Using Technology Tools for Leadership Development

Using Technology Tools for Leadership Development

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Technology is advancing at such a fast pace. It seems like once a tool is introduced to the market, it is out of date very quickly. With SaaS (Software as a service) models being so prevalent in today’s technology environment, updates are frequent. Competition breeds innovation and brings prices down. Software platforms and programs as tools for leadership development are more affordable than they’ve ever been.

So how can we use technology for church leadership development?

  1. Implement a Learning Management System (LMS). Online learning has been around for almost two decades. During the dot com boom in the late nineties and early 2000’s, online learning companies sprouted up all over the country. I was part of one of those dot com’s. It was a fun ride while it lasted. Many of the smaller companies were acquired by larger companies for their customers. LMS’ in the church world were late to the game, but they’re here now, and there are some really good ones on the market. Online learning allows churches to develop leaders within Her members, equipping them with the right tools they need to become strong leaders and make disciples. 
  2. Make sure you focus on what matters to your church. Denominations are all different. Baptists have different doctrinal beliefs than Catholics do. When developing leaders within your church body, ensure you focus on what matters to you, your doctrine and your theology. Leaders need to know what you believe and why. Online resources in learning management systems allow you to deliver relevant content to your body of believers. In fact, any good LMS will allow you to upload your own content, allowing you to teach exactly what you want to the leaders you are developing.
  3. Developing leaders is a marathon, not a sprint. Some people are natural born leaders, but many are not. Even with natural born leaders, development and continual learning must be a priority. John Rooney said “the quickest way to become and old dog is to stop learning new tricks.” I’m a firm believer in continual education. It is unrealistic to expect leaders to continue to develop without further education. The best leaders I know are learners. They read all of the time. They learn from other leaders. They never cease to stop developing themselves. They have a firm understanding that learning is a process, not a one-time event that makes them a leader. 
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