8 Questions for Church Leaders Before Planning Vacation Bible School

8 Questions Every Church Leader Should Ask Before Planning Vacation Bible School

For many churches Vacation Bible School (VBS) stands as a cornerstone event, offering a dynamic platform to nurture young minds in faith while fostering a sense of community and fun. Determining whether VBS aligns with your church’s vision requires careful consideration of its potential impact. Below are questions you should be asking yourself as you plan VBS. 

​1. Mission Alignment:

Explore how VBS harmonizes with your church’s mission. Does it bolster your efforts in nurturing kids’ spirituality and engaging with the community in a way that resonates with your church’s core values?

Start by assessing how VBS aligns with your church’s mission and values. Consider whether VBS complements your efforts in nurturing children’s spiritual growth and community outreach.

2. Community Engagement:

Picture the ripple effect of VBS in your community. How might it serve as a vibrant magnet, drawing families together and fostering connections beyond the church walls?

Evaluate the potential impact of VBS on engaging your local community. VBS often serves as an open invitation for families to participate, fostering new connections and relationships within the neighborhood.

3. Resource Evaluation:

Assess your church’s resources—volunteers, facilities, and time. Are these resources ready to fuel the engine of VBS, ensuring its success from planning to execution?

Determine if these resources can support the planning, execution, and follow-up activities associated with a successful VBS, do a “trial-run” if possible.

4a. Age-Tailored Adventure:

Imagine an adventure that suits every age group within your kids ministry. Does the VBS curriculum offer a versatile experience, catering to the diverse needs and interests of all participants?

4b. Spiritual Impact and Curriculum:

Evaluate the curriculum’s ability to impart meaningful lessons and foster spiritual growth in children. Does it align seamlessly with your church’s teachings, nurturing faith in engaging and relatable ways?

Create a team to Assess how the VBS curriculum aligns with your church’s teachings and goals for nurturing faith.

5. Volunteer Support and Training:

Envision a team of passionate volunteers championing the VBS cause. Are they ready to dive in, equipped with the tools and training needed to make the program a roaring success?

Training sessions can equip volunteers with the necessary skills and ensure a smooth execution of the program.

6. Long-Term Engagement:

Consider how VBS can serve as a catalyst for long-term engagement. How might it serve as a launchpad for ongoing engagement, fostering lasting relationships beyond the program’s duration?

Explore strategies to sustain connections with families beyond the VBS duration, nurturing ongoing involvement in the church community.

7. Logistics and Planning:

Picture the seamless execution of VBS, from scheduling to promotion. Can your team navigate the logistical maze with finesse and precision, ensuring an unforgettable experience?

Delve into the logistics involved in organizing VBS, including scheduling, promotional activities, and administrative tasks. Assess whether your team can effectively manage these logistical aspects.

8. Evaluation and Adaptation:

Imagine a dynamic cycle of improvement post-VBS. How will you gather feedback and insights to evolve and elevate future VBS editions, continuously enhancing the experience?

Establish metrics to evaluate the success of VBS. Use feedback and insights gathered to adapt and enhance future VBS programs, ensuring continual improvement.

Vacation Bible School can serve as a vibrant avenue for spiritual enrichment, community engagement, and fostering a love for God among children. By carefully assessing its alignment with your church’s mission, resources, and potential for impact, you can make an informed decision regarding its integration into your kids ministry.

See how One Church Software can help create a successful VBS.

If you aren’t already using One Church Software, this is the perfect time to try out our FREE 30-day trial to see how these features make this year’s VBS a success! Get started today >>

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